May's Distro Update

New Zines

How to Talk to Your Cat About Abstinence- You've talked to your cat about gun safety and evolution, but you still haven't the talk. Birds and bees aren't just flying creatures your cat chases, your cat need to know the dangers of premarital sex. Learn scenarios you can practice with your cat, prayers you can have with your furry friends, and dating websites you can recommend to them. ($2)

Nuts! Back Issues- Back issue packs of everybody's favorite punk paper. These eight in-print issues cover "the Olympia years," before relocating to Brooklyn. We only have a few of these in stock! ($15)

Paper Radio #15- The 15th (and potentially last!) issue of this decade-long running zine about radio culture. ($3)

Shotgun Seamstress #8- An incredible issue of Shotgun Seamstress that covers so much ground. Afrofuturism, Nigeria's Boy George, Italian horror, Chicago POC punk, the cosmos, and beyond. ($5.50)

Somnambulist #25- For this issue, Martha takes us into the disturbing world of insurance claims and private investigation. A fascinating story of a summer job gone wrong that reads like a novel. ($3)

New Music

The Bundles- Self-Titled- Kimya Dawson, Jeffrey Lewis, Jack Lewis, Anders Griffen, and Karl Blau combine to make sweet tragi-comic folk-pop. A hidden jewel of a supergroup. (CD) ($8)

Kate Ferencz- Dying Alone- Kate Ferencz makes jaw-dropping, bizzare pop that's unlike anything else. Come the end of the year, Dying Alone should be on the top of every best of 2015 list. ($7)

New Miscellany

Cassette Tape Button- Cassette tape love. Expressed in one-inch button (pin/badge) form. ($1)

New Chapbooks & Literary Journals

Resist #48: Minneapolis From The Saddle- A mini-book of winter bike stories from bitter cold Minneapolis. ($6)

Selfish, Issue One- Dump your boyfriend, ditch the fluff, marry who you want, and don't apologize for the things your body does. Essays, poetry, and photography—all female-created—that take on a wide variety of uncomfortable experiences with depth and humor. ($15)

Soon to Be a Major Motion Picture by Judith Arcana- Following the historic event of Jane Collective (Chicago's pre-Roe v Wade underground abortion service) getting busted by the cops, Judith Arcana draws from her real-life experience to sculpt a piece of fiction that explores memory, perspective, and personal politics through sure-footed, lively prose. ($8)

We'll Never Have Paris #12- In this issue of the zine of all things never meant to be: True stories about leaving NYC. Six writers tell the tales of what made them pack their bags. ($5)


*This Thursday, Osa Atoe (of Shotgun Seamstress) is helping put on a one day zine show in New Orleans.

*Out of print issues of Shotgun Seamstress are now available (in digital form) for free.

*The Bonnie and Maude podcast (co-hosted by Kseniya Yarosh of the I Love Bad Movies zine series) was featured in KG Magazine's Five Great Podcasts Featuring Brilliant Women.

*The first annual Beirut International Zine Festival is happening June 18th, and is currently accepting zine submissions from those that can't make the journey.

*Adam Oelsner (formerly of the band Kickball) has started a new company called Magic Drop that connects indie film makers with indie musicians. He's already worked on the Missing People documentary, and we're very excited to see some of our favorite musicians being a part of Magic Drop. (Evan Hashi, Stephen Steinbrink, Ashley Eriksson, and Corespondents, just to name a few.)

*Corespondents were interviewed on MYNorthwest about their new tape on Antiquated Future Records (among other things).

*Ambit Audio recently posted some live recordings of unreleased/never-to-be-officially-released songs from Poppet. Which reminded us that we never posted her video for the NPR Tiny Desk Concert contest.

*Shoegaze post-punk dream-pop witches Silver Shadows are uniting/reuniting to play a big Burger Records release party at the beginning of July. We have the last of their limited edition cassette tape, so get them before everyone learns the secret of the greatness.

*The good folks at Portland's Little Axe Records just moved to a new location.

*Eleanor Murray's new Cavegreen music project got written up on CMJ this month.

*Ross Cowman (head of Olympia's Bicycle Records) is Kickstarting his new collaborative storytelling game.

*Our pal Karl Blau is Kickstarting his new album of classic country songs.

*Olympia's Sharkpact were interviewed in Maximum RocknRoll.

*The new Olympia Pop Rocks podcast has been covering a lot of great Olympia artists and activists. Including Joe Capoccia, Kevin Rainsberry of RVIVR, storyteller Elizabeth Lord, Spoonboy, and Meg Martin of Dogjaw.

*And we're getting very excited for the Portland Zine Symposium (which is sneaking up on us!). July 18th & 19th at the Ambridge Events Center here in Portland, Oregon, with many events happening in the coming months. Spread the word.

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