The Return of Well, I Don't See Why Not

It's hard to believe, but our music compilation series, Well, I Don't See Why Not started exactly five years ago! The three volumes have spanned a wide variety of music and, after a two year hiatus, we're happy to announce that Volume Four is in the works! The compilation will be released by our sister record label, Antiquated Future and will feature music that fits under the label's theme of "music of the future past." Which is broad and subjective, but a theme none-the-less.

And - in a truly odd incident of planning ahead - the release date is set for October 29th, 2013. We'll be kicking it off with a release party in Portland, Or. with Upside Drown, Will Sprott of the The Mumlers and more to be announced.

Also, we're getting down to the last copies of Well, I Don't See Why Not Vol. Three! And they're now only $1 each! Vol. One is out of print in the physical world, but available for free on our Bandcamp page and Vol. Two is just a $1. If you want to donate to helping make Vol. Four a reality, just use any of the Bandcamp albums as a donation site. It'll let you pay any amount you'd like.

Here's how we describe the series: Well, I Don't See Why Not is an ongoing compilation series of under-appreciated artists. Unsigned/barely signed, unheard of, underheard of, amazing. 

And so far, here's all the artists who have been a part of it: Twig Palace, Yes Please, Hail Seizures, If It Ain't Breakfast Don't Fix It, Eleanor Murray, A Collective of Dirt, The Background Front, Pet Club, Ariel Birks, Kleinen Frühstück, My Peach is Pickled, Kite, Hecka Ar, Tapestry, Gumar, Foxdye, Blindfolder, Makeout Hangover, Letters, Poppet, Cock and Swan, Gunmothers Head, Christina Antipa, Christopher Francis, Maxwell Alan, Kendl Winter, DJ Dogwater, Corespondents, Invisible River, Black Tail Dear, Braided, Marlo Eggplant, Jordan O' Jordan, Little Angry, Firs of Prey, Kickball, Broken Water, Legs the Crab, Angelo Spencer et Les Hauts Sommets, St. St., S.L.F.M., Abigail Peach Tree, and Polka Dot Dot Dot.

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