New for October

Many exciting things this month. First off, the 2014 Organizers are in and are incredibly beautiful. A yearly favorite that always sells out, so get them while you can! 

At the end of this month, we have a new volume of our Well, I Don't See Why Not compilation series that we're super excited about. The project started five years ago to spread under-appreciated artists into the world and the response to these comps has been bigger than we could have imagined. As a way to encourage donations toward this upcoming volume, we made all the previous volumes "pay what you can" on our Bandcamp. So if you feel inclined to donate to the project, we would be most grateful. Any donation of $10 or more and you'll get a copy of the new compilation sent to you the day it comes out! If you're not able to contribute, you're also welcome to download them for free. (And do come to the sure-to-be-fun release party.)

We also got an insane amount of new stuff this month. A lot we could say, but don't want to go on too long. (Oh, but we did make some new Fan Club membership cards, which are really awesome. Ok, that's all.)

New Zines
Child artist, sports star, book obsession, the post office, falling in love at a D.A.R.E. graduation, a small tribute to children's book author James Stevenson, and much more.
A beginners' guide to geocaching, with plenty of interesting first-hand experiences in the world of this digital age treasure hunting. 
Bizarre and clever, silly and smart, Ebbits navigates in a world where video game-like mazes mash-up with subtle social commentary.
A "message in a bottle" to his six granchildren, with instructions on how to not be consumed by the greed, hate, and violence in the world.
A well-researched zine about ways to deal with mental health issues. Thinking about it through a variety of different lenses, this is a zine about possibilities.
A one-of-a-kind guide to fungal remediation and restoration. 
A collection of short essays and poems about the magic of books and the ways we love them.
New Paper Goods
A perennial bestseller. This collaboration between the Justseeds Artists' Cooperative and Eberhardt Press is a stunning pocket planner, unlike any other.
A large version of the pocket planner, giving you plenty of room.
A gorgeous calendar that follows the cycles of the moon. 
Allowing for possibilities, thinking outside boxes, no assumptions. 
Don't be a stranger, say hello. From letterpress artist Hope Amico. 
A beautiful, offset print, spiralbound sketchpad.
A strangely romantic mini journal using an image from Max Ernst's 1941 book.
Change the discussion, place the responsibility where it belongs. 
An always-important reminder from letterpress artist Hope Amico.
New Magazines
Portland's She Shreds highlights the work of female guitarists and bassists from around the world and does it well.
Each issue of Greenwoman is packed with a wide variety of writing and art. Blending literary writing with garden/nature writing, This issue's highlight: an interview with Amy Stewart, author of Wicked Plants and The Drunken Botanist. 
The future of bees, the love of tomatoes, an interview with Amanda Thomsen, the pleasures of the nose, a biography of Ruth Stout, sex in the garden. Much more!
New Music
The tape version of the CD, released on CJ Boyd's Obsolete Media Objects label.
Recorded in a renovated church during a windstorm, with members of Mount Eerie serving as her backing band, Bury Me Into the Mtn is an album that stops you in your tracks.

(Paper Goods):
*On Nov. 2nd, The Portland Zine Symposium will be throwing a very special fall Amazine Food Fair, a food-themed zine event at the Independent Publishing Resource Center. 4-8pm, free admission, and free tabling fees! (if you bring a potluck item).
*Our own Joshua James Amberson recently did an article on Owen Ashworth (of Advance Base & Casiotone for the Painfully Alone) for Performer Magazine.
*The L.A. Zine Fest is fundraising and only has a handful of hours left on their campaign!
*Also fundraising is Sweet Candy Press for the first book from Jonas Cannon.
*Tomas Moniz (of Rad Dad) is releasing his first novella next month and it looks really good.
*Some poems by Jac Nelson got published on Frank Matter.
*Amazing conceptual artist Lenae Day recently had a piece published on Daily Serving.
*Dropping Gems just made a top 10 list on Vibe.
*La Luz (with the very awesome Shana Cleveland) has its new album streaming on Spin.
*And lastly, the very dear and amazingly talented Eleanor Murray is on tour right now and, if she is coming to your town, just know that (in our opinion) she is not to be missed.

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