Distro Update for April!


Some things: today begins the second month of our Fan Club, which has been awesome so far. Pre-orders on Corespondents' Land of the Low People album go out tomorrow. Evan Hashi did some work on our site and now, among other things, we've finally made shipping more affordable for our dear friends in CanadaChask'e just made a new batch of flyers, from the illustrations Rachel Lee-Carman did for us, which are real cute. We also just did a big sticker restock, which might be our last for a while.  And then there's all this stuff...

The Collective Tarot (Cards) ($30)- Aiming to be inclusive of all colors, genders, and abilities, this Portland collective has created one of the most politically aware and beautiful tarot decks around.
Grab Bags (Asst) ($10)- In an effort to Spring clean, we made a selection of limited time grab bags that are available only on our Etsy page.
Nancy Drew Pentagrams- Self-Titled (Tape) ($5)Olympia's Nancy Drew Pentagrams are two women making bizarre noise performance art for the masses. This, their first release, is split between ghoulish howls and sludge-y cave sounds. 
Song of My Father -DJ Frederick (Zine) ($1.50)- From the little he knows, DJ Frederick pieces together a complicated portrait of his father: a World War II veteran who was secretive, emotionally abusive, a lover of Indian music and member of a Christian Ashram, a singing cowboy the late 1930s.
Truckface #16 -L..B. (Zine) ($3)- L.B. wears her heart on her sleeve for this one and makes it clear that apathy is not an acceptable option in life. She makes you get mad about injustices and makes you notice the moments that make life worth living. From teacher strikes to student-led courtroom debates, winning dance contests to summer tours, there is so much to be inspired by in this issue. One of the best zines running.
Turntable Operator #4 -DJ Frederick (Zine) ($3)- Dream machines, record store stories, Moe Whittemore on being a recording engineer at 700 West Studios, and a short history of cassette tapes!!
Without Words & Without Kneeling: The Final Six Issues -Tomas Moniz (Zine) ($5)-The final six installments of Tomas Moniz (editor of Rad Dad) 's serialized novella about “five characters who are all part of an anarchist study group that meets once a month, and how their lives intertwine with each other and the books they read.” Believable characters, unveiled through their separate first person perspectives, all joined together by the books they read. A great storyline that’s at once funny, thought-provoking, and a great examination of the personal-as-political.

2013 Eberhardt/Justseeds Organizer -(Planner) ($5)
8-Track Mind #101- Russ Forster, Various Artists (Zine) ($3)
Corespondents- Land of the Low People (CD) ($10)
V/A- Summer Soul, Vols. 1-7

It was pointed out that we haven't been doing many Mp3's in the last several months. So here's a catch-up. Both new and recently restocked.

Derek M. Johnson- You're Welcome to Play (Live) (Though this version isn't off his amazing LP, I love this live version recorded by our dear friends at Hollow Earth Radio)
*First off, the Portland Zine Symposium has opened registration! And it's almost full, so get yourself a table and we'll see you there in August.
*Our own Joshua James just wrote an article about Diane Cluck for American Songwriter.
*In just a couple weeks, the Brooklyn Zine Fest is going down! Sunday, April 21st, to be exact. With our friends from I Love Bad Movies organizing, it's sure to be loads of fun.
*We changed our Music section a bunch. It is now a much less confusing experience and has less of the old and more of the new.
*Corespondents' new album Land of the Low People got written up on both SSG & Ball of the Wax. They'll also be having a weekend of release parties in Seattle (which we'll hopefully be there for).
*Zine recommendations for this month!: DeafulaThe Disappearance of Gordon Page, Jr.,Piltdownlad and Functionally Ill.
*April 20th and the 21st is also the weekend of the Olympia Anarchist Convergence, held at the Evergreen State College.
*Our pal Lenae Day just got written up in Fabrik Magazine as one of "Eight L.A. Artists You Should Know." We agree.
*Somehow we missed that Seattle musician Allen Karpinski put out an album a while back as part of a pretty interesting series that also features Thurston Moore and Chris Brokaw.
*Grand Jury resisters, Kteo and Matt, were recently interviewed on Seattle's Kiro TV.
*Both songwriter Jason Molina and documentary filmmaker Les Blank passed away in the last couple weeks. Les made it to Olympia for the 2011 Olympia Film Festival and it was awesome. Our buddy Ned from the long-running No Love for Ned radio show put together a fantastic tribute show for Jason. Both will be missed.
*Legendary Olympia/Bellingham queercore group, Behead the Prophet No Lord Shall Live (which is led by famed vegan chef and zinester, Joshua Ploeg and our buddy Jon QuittyQuittner, author of Hessian Obsession, one of my all-time favorite zines), and Olympia's The Need recently reunited for a short PNW tour. It was amazing. And The Stranger did a great interview with Behead the Prophet during it.
*The good folks at Dropping Gems Records recently released Gem Drops Three and Ghost Feet got featured on Vice.
*Olympia's People in a Position to Know Records is doing a silent auction of some of their long out of print releases, as well as doing lathe cut demonstrations at Coachella and Jacksonville's One Spark Festival.
*Portland's Reading Frenzy lost their store space of many years and is fundraising for a new one.
*The best radio show of the past five years, WFMU's Mudd Up with DJ /Rupture, just went off the air a few weeks back. While this is sad, there is  300 hours of archives and the reasons for it's departure are sound. Namely: to focus on amazing projects like his new classical album!?! Best of luck to him in all his upcoming projects.

Until next month, 

Joshua James & Chask'e
Ms. Valerie Park Distro

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